In the world of jewelry, melee diamonds are proof that the size of a stone doesn’t count for everything when determining the quality of a piece.
Melee diamonds are one of the most popular types of diamonds that a jeweler works with, even if they don’t always get the same focus as the larger centerpiece stones. Despite their smaller size however, it’s essential that they’re ideal cut, with perfect ratios that highlight their beauty and lend extra sparkle to the piece at large.
So, what are melee diamonds and why is their cut so important? Here’s what all jewelers—and all jewelry buyers—need to know.
What are Melee Diamonds?
Melee diamonds are tiny diamonds sized anywhere from 0.001 carats to 0.2 carats. They’re often used as ornamental stones around a centerpiece diamond or other gemstone, or as the primary stones encircling an infinity band. You’ll often find melee diamonds encircling larger diamonds as part of halo and channel settings.
Although they’re the smallest diamonds that you can buy, melee diamonds undergo the same cutting process as larger stones. In fact, a melee diamond is similar in all ways to a larger diamond, with the number of carats serving as the only difference. As such, jewelers need to make sure that their melee diamonds are produced with an ideal cut, just as they do for their large diamonds. Failure to do so will result in melee diamonds that are lacking in sparkle and shine, and can greatly reduce the overall quality and value of a piece.
Ideal Cut Diamonds of All Sizes
All diamonds have four main features: cut, carats, color, and clarity. Melee diamonds, which are small in carats, still must excel in cut, color, and clarity in order to be of the highest quality. Jewelers who recognize this make sure that their customers are getting the very best piece for the price that they’re paying—and that these ornamental stones stand out for all of the right reasons.
Melee diamonds can be single cut (17 to 18 facets) or full cut (57 to 58 facets). And like any other size and shape of diamond, they can also be ideal cut, meaning they’re cut with perfect precision to achieve just the right angles for maximum sparkle. When we talk about the best melee diamonds, we’re almost always referring to ideal, full cut diamonds that are crafted with all of the proportional accuracy that we expect out of larger stones.
A diamond is an investment, regardless of its size. Therefore, jewelers who want the best for their customers understand the importance of ideal cut melee diamonds, and go above and beyond to ensure that every single stone is worthy of inclusion on a piece.
Learn About Our Melee Diamond Prices and More
Melee diamonds may serve a supporting role, but they still have to be perfect. As a leading diamond manufacturer and supplier, our team at Grunberger Diamonds is committed to providing all business owners in the jewelry industry with the ultimate quality and precision in every diamond that we cut. Our ideal cut melee diamonds are available for purchase, with care taken to ensure that each stone is a cut above what you’ll find elsewhere.
Please visit our service page to learn more about what we can do for your business, and head to our homepage for further information on getting started and opening an account. While you’re browsing, feel free to contact us with any questions, or request a quote and get the top-tier wholesale diamonds that you need to create truly awe-inspiring jewelry for your customers.